This is a sweet little story about a lady who rescued a Hummingbird from a wasp trap.
We had a hummingbird get caught in a wasp trap, my granddaughter Ashlee and I brought it inside and washed its wing off as best we could.
What a awful and great thing at the same time. We fed it and kept it for 10 days. During the day it was outside, at night we brought it in.
I'm still amazed with the little thing trying so hard to fly, but just couldn't. It finally started eating real well and flapping its wings more and more.
On the 10th day, I had him outside watching him in the yard. I had my granddaughter take pictures of him.
I picked him up and held him and all of a sudden he flew away, I was in the yard jumping up and down, laughing, that I knew he was going to be ok.
I hated not having him anymore but know he's happier. I'm sure he will be back....Terri :)
Read more at Wild Bird Watching
What an amazing gift for you to help this little one out for TEN days! Amazing!! You did good! I had that experience, only short term for less than an hour when a little hummer hit the window and fell to the ground stunned. Another time I pulled one out of the jaws of death (cat) and also thought that one was a gonner, but eventually he gathered his wits and flew off. Your story tops them all though! What a thrill!!!