When I moved to my present house and started feeding wild birds in my garden, I used to think that a handful of seeds and some crumbed up bread was sufficient.
I have since learnt that it is best to feed the birds a wide variety of different food and that different food will attract different species of birds.
The article below explains more about this
We currently have three bird feeders, a dish for peanuts, and a bird bath, all assembled in and around a small tree about 15 feet from a bay window where my two cats, Dude and Snugs, regularly observe the goings on. They love it, and are quite irritated when we put the blinds down at night even though it’s too dark to see anything by then. But I digress. What I really want to do is talk about the things I did that might help other people attract birds.
Read the full story here at Bird Food For Thought