Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Different Food For Different Birds

When I moved to my present house and started feeding wild birds in my garden, I used to think that a handful of seeds and some crumbed up bread was sufficient.

I have since learnt that it is best to feed the birds a wide variety of different food and that different food will attract different species of birds.

The article below explains more about this

First customer at the new bird bath
We currently have three bird feeders, a dish for peanuts, and a bird bath, all assembled in and around a small tree about 15 feet from a bay window where my two cats, Dude and Snugs, regularly observe the goings on. They love it, and are quite irritated when we put the blinds down at night even though it’s too dark to see anything by then. But I digress. What I really want to do is talk about the things I did that might help other people attract birds.

Read the full story here at Bird Food For Thought 

Friday, 19 November 2010

Harry Potter and the Snowy Owl

If you're a Harry Potter fan I'm sure you will be excited about his latest film Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1.

But how much do you know about the owls that have been in his films. 

Snowy Owl

While Harry Potter's snowy owl, Hedwig, is the most well known of both the books and movies, many other owls from a range of species have made appearances on page and on screen. From Eurasian eagle owls to great gray owls to barn owls, many of these beautiful predators have been part of the Harry Potter phenomenon. "Professor McGonagowl" Laura Erickson has carefully examined all the owl appearances in the books and movies on her The Owls of Harry Potter page, and she offers tips everyone can use to help owls, even if we're not part of the wizarding world.

Read the full article here at About.com

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Robins in My Garden

This year was a great year for robins, at least it was in my garden.  I saw so many robins and baby robins when I was outside in the garden feeding wild birds.

It was a strange coincidence because my partner had said to me that he would love to see more robins this year and especially some baby robins too. We had only previously had a fleeting glimpse of robins in our garden and had never seen any baby robins before.

It seems his wish was granted because this year we had two sets of baby robins and they were were very tame and friendly.

You can see more robin photos here at Digital Photography Shots

Monday, 15 November 2010

Birds in Unusual Locations

I was reading an interesting article today about how birds can often be found in unusual locations.

Common Tern

Birders can often find great birds in unusual locations, but many non-birders would be surprised that one of the best places to find common terns in United Kingdom is at an industrial plant. According to BBC News, the common tern colony at Shotton paper mill and Tata Steel has more than 680 breeding pairs, one of the country's largest colonies. The importance of the area has been recognized and nature walks and observation blinds are available for school groups.

Read the full article here at About.com

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Glaucous Gull By The River

At the weekend me and my partner had a walk by the river.  It was a bit chilly at this time of year but still very enjoyable.

We usually see lots of seagull on the river and also a strange looking type of gull (picture below).

Glaucous Gull
On looking at the RSPB website, I believe it may be a Glaucous Gull.

A large pale gull with white wing tips. Younger birds are creamy white or more biscuit coloured, depending on age. All have pale wingtips. It is bigger than a herring gull and bulkier, with a fiercer expression, larger beak and squarer head than the smaller but virually identically-plumaged to the Iceland gull.

Any ideas?

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Feeding Wild Birds During Fall and Winter

I read an interesting article about feeding wild birds during the fall and winter and the importance of fat and calories in their diet.

White breasted Nuthatch DSC_1536

The Importance of Fat and Calories in a Bird's Diet
Whether they are preparing for fall migration or the onset of winter, birds need foods that are high in oil, fat and calories.  These foods and stored body fat are the primary energy supply that fuels a bird throughout migration and during long, cold winter nights.

You can read the rest of the article here at The Zen Birdfeeder

Monday, 8 November 2010

Ivory Gull Sighted in California

I was reading an interesting article today about a rare sighting of an Ivory Gull in the Pismo Beach area of California.

 photo © marlin harms

Ivory gulls are arctic species that normally stay confined to northern regions throughout the year. This is only the second ivory gull recorded in California, and one of the most southernmost recordings ever for this species. Birders are especially thrilled because unlike the juvenile ivory gull reported in New Jersey in November, 2009, the California bird is a full adult with its stunning snow white plumage.

You can read the article here at About.com

You can also find more details about the Ivory Gull Sightings and see some stunning photos at Christopher 'Taylor Nature Photography

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Do You Love Blackbirds?

I was reading an interesting article which asked "Why is the blackbird associated with evil and ill omens?"

Why are birds with black plumage the subject of so many unpleasant stories and superstitions all over the world?

The only conclusion that I can come to is because a lot of these black colored birds are clever enough to out smart people. Crows, Grackles, and Starlings are very intelligent birds and tend to work together in family groups to get what they want and what they want is a lot of food generally.

You can read the article here at Wild Birds Unlimited

Personally I love blackbirds.  I think the males look very handsome with their black feathers and orange beak and eyes.

When I am in my garden feeding the wild birds, the first bird to come and eat is normally the blackbird.  He usually hovers nearby as I am putting the food out and begins eating before I go indoors.

Friday, 5 November 2010

Little Egret on The River

Had a walk along the river yesterday. There were plenty of sea gulls as usual flying around and diving for fish.

We also spotted a Little Egret on the river.

The little egret is a small white heron with attractive white plumes on crest, back and chest, black legs and bill and yellow feet.
Those yellow feet sure look strange!

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Attracting Birds to Your Garden

I have just been reading about a new book called Attracting Birds to Your Garden.  It is written by Jeanne Grunert and is her latest book in the "From The Garden" series.

I love feeding wild birds in my garden and this book seems worth taking a look at. It offers beginners easy, simple and fun things they can do to enjoy the growing hobby of feeding and watching wild birds. 

Attracting Birds to Your Garden is due out in paperback and E book and the publication date is December 2010.